After filming and viewing all of the footage, I am now ready to start editing. I am excited to start this, but also nervous because I want my project to be perfect and a lot of that comes from the editing. I have to make sure everything is in order of how I want it, add the title and names of people involvedmin the film, different effects to the video footage, voice over in certain parts, and music that ties in with the story. Editing is a huge factor and I need to make sure I have plenty of time to get it exactly how I want it. Editing is going to take hours upon hours to finish, so I need to make sure I use my time wisely.
I plan to start editing tomorrow and work on it during my break. I want to make sure I get feedback from a wide variety of people, so I can reach my full potential of creating, what I hope to be, an amazing film. At first I am going to play around with different techniques to see which ones I like the best, then I will apply the to my movie opening. Once I have all of my video in order and how I want them, then I will add the text with the title. After all of that is done, I will finish off with adding music and my voice over, which I need to record after I edit. I am going to record my voice over after I finish editing the film because I want to know exactly what the film is going to look like so I know exactly what to say. I need. To figure out if I am going to do. The voice over, or if I am going to get someone else to do it. I am thinking about making the voice over in first person from the girls perspective. I feel that this will connect the audience closer to the main character, and makes more sense than the voice over being someone elses perspective.